Our lower Elementary Studio lays the foundation for the joy of learning as we encourage our young heroes to find their life’s calling and tap into their unique genius. Our well-balanced educational experience ignites curiosity, creativity, and the ability to ask good questions.
21St Century Learning
for your Elementary Aged Child
Learning At Acton Lincoln
Learn to DoHands-on learning for Science, Entrepreneurship and the Arts prepare children for Apprenticeships and real world challenges.
Learn to LearnSocratic Discussions and self-paced challenges equip children to be independent lifelong learners.
Learn to BeThe Hero’s Journey, relational covenants and real world consequences transform difficult decisions into virtuous habits.
Watch the video to learn about our Business Fair!
our Elementary Studio is Unique to other Private School Options
The lower elementary studio offers a safe, caring, and warm environment where young children thrive in Lincoln, NE. The studio is arranged by learning areas: building and design, computers, manipulatives, core skills, library, and writing. The daily schedule and routines include a balance of indoor and outdoor activity time, plenty of time to play, which by the way, we feel is SUPER important to a child's development. Children are encouraged to think, reason, question, develop ideas, experiment, and problem solve, as well as make choices and display independence. Kindness and developing good character is a cornerstone in all we do. Navigating the challenges of friendship or learning to identify and express emotions, at Acton Lincoln, the intellectual, social, and emotional life of each child is honored.