By this time, you might have the impression that Acton Academies are really different from traditional schools. Like, REALLY different.
You’re right. Acton Academies are off-the-charts different. On purpose. But if you think Acton students have limited options after graduation, think again! In their years at Acton, students learn to be independent thinkers and self-starters. They launch real businesses. They learn practical, marketable skills. They find their calling. Acton graduates, from around the world, who apply to college are attractive candidates, displaying responsibility, maturity and a diversity of experiences that is rare among their peers. Graduates who start their own businesses have a leg up on the competition because, by the time they turned 18, they’d already started and ran several businesses and completed dozens of internships. There are no limits for Acton graduates – they are ready to follow whatever path they choose.
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